
Hide Goodreads ratings
By default, the app shows the average Goodreads ratings for books. If you don't want anything with the community, you can disable that here.
Hide my ratings
By default, the app lets you rate books and see your book ratings. If you simply want to track reading and don't want ratings, you can disable that here.

About the App

This app was created by a Swedish guy named David. It's built as a Next.js, app, using Tailwind for styling, and a sprinkling of Heroicons here and there. All illustrations (including the app icon) are from unDraw, coincidentally one of the best open-source projects out there.

The app uses umami, a &aquot;simple, easy to use, self-hosted web analytics solution&aquot;. No personally identifiable information is collected and all data is anonymized.

Notice anything wrong with the app? Any bugs you want fixed, or features you would like added? Create an issue on GitHub (or go ahead and fix it yourself, pull requests are very welcome!) or hit me up on Twitter. Hope you enjoy the app!